Stories of Peace in
Times of War
"There is a big peace and a little peace. But there is no little war. Even a matchstick can burn down a village." 

(Amadou Hampate Ba, African diplomat to UNESCO 1948)

join us live for this timely, important and interactive session 


“Laura has a spellbinding way of leading listeners into the heart of a story that makes it impossible not to follow” -Chicago Tribune

Laura Simms is an internationally acclaimed storyteller, writer, and educator advocating engaged storytelling as compassionate action for personal and community transformation.

Laura weaves a brilliant combination of personal narrative with fairytale and myth. Based in New York City, she continues to perform, teach, coach and give keynote addresses worldwide.
Stories of Peace in Times of War
"There is a big peace and a little peace. But there is no little war. Even a matchstick can burn down a village." 
(Amadou Hampate Ba, African diplomat to UNESCO 1948)

Guided by the eloquent words of master storyteller Laura Simms, these stories ignite harmony and envelop us in life's transformative magic through the power of peaceful narratives.

Telling stories, and hearings stories, is far more than a means of instruction, or distraction although both can be helpful to us in times of confusion. It is a vehicle for the visceral transmission of abiding mind and the ceaseless arising of images and ideas engendered by imaginative reciprocity.

 Laura will be telling four stories: a Ukranian story about caring for others beyond one's self, a Russian story about the power of nonviolence, a Jewish fairytale about death, and an Arabic story about love. 

In the live stream participants are invited to engage in a creative contemplative conversation about how and why stories uncover innate peace and provoke a bigger view of situations that lifts us from despair and reaction.

Amidst the clash of swords and the echoes of battle, these stories transcend the cacophony of war, weaving a delicate tapestry of unity and understanding.  Each narrative, a testament to the enduring spirit of humanity, invites us to embrace the profound wisdom hidden within the folds of time.

In the heart of these stories, amidst the ruins of conflict, we find the sanctuary of peace. In the embrace of these narratives, we rediscover our shared humanity, reminding us that even in the bleakest times, the light of peace can guide us home.


Originally aired live on November 30 at 7:00 PM

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