Wellness 101: Ayurvedic Wisdom for Modern Times
A three part series with Maria Tabone

Instant Access to the in depth Master Class
Embark on a transformative health odyssey with Maria Tabone's WisdomFeed+ Masterclass!

Ayurveda, an ancient holistic healing system originating from India, views health as a harmonious balance between mind, body, and spirit. Ayurveda offers a comprehensive approach to health, including diet, herbal remedies, yoga, meditation, and lifestyle practices tailored to individual constitutions or doshas: Vata (air and ether), Pitta (fire and water), and Kapha (earth and water). By understanding and harmonizing these elemental energies, Ayurveda aims to prevent illness, promote longevity, and enhance overall vitality, offering a pathway to holistic wellness and self-discovery.

This comprehensive online course is your ticket to unlocking the age-old secrets of Ayurveda, adapted for contemporary wellness seekers. Delve deep into practical strategies for creating harmony in your life.

Maria Tabone, MA, MS, Holistic Nutritionist, Duke Certified Integrative Health and Well-being Coach, Functional Nutrition Coach, Certified Ayurveda Practitioner,

The masterclass offers solutions to common challenges:

  Struggling with dietary imbalances? Learn to align with your unique Dosha for optimal nourishment. 

 Overwhelmed by the daily grind? Incorporate grounding rituals to anchor your day with peace and purpose. 

 Grappling with stress or anxiety? Discover herbal allies and relaxation techniques to ease your mind. 

 Battling digestive woes? Understand Ayurvedic principles for digestive harmony and overall vitality. 

 Yearning for restorative sleep? Adopt evening practices that encourage deep, healing rest.                                                       Transform your health narrative by embracing these five pillars of Ayurvedic wisdom. 

 She has spent over 20 years studying alternative medicine and the mind/body/spirit connection.

Maria specializes in nutrition and wellness consulting. She uses the wisdom she has learned through many years of studying eastern practices such as Ayurveda and yoga combined with herbal medicine, nutrition and spirituality to guide others to the root cause of their issue to create health, happiness and balance.

Enroll Now and experience a renewed sense of vigor and tranquility!
Embrace Wellness, The WisdomFeed+ Community

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